Discontinued MTL5018AC isolated barrier has been replaced by MTL5516C+MPA5500. If you want to know more information about MTL5018AC,call me!

Dear customer, please kindly note the MTL5018AC isolated barrier has been discontinued now. MTL5516C+MPA5500 can be used to replace the MTL5000 range MTL5018AC barrier.
Old model MTL5018AC barrier product description:
The MTL5018ac enables two safe-area loads to be controlled by two switches or proximity detectors located in a hazardous area. Two relay outputs are provided. Independent phase reversal control allows an alarm condition to be signalled for either state of the sensor. A selectable line fault detect (LFD) facility detects an open or short circuit in either field circuit.
Other discontinued models for MTL5000 range.
MTL5000 range
Product CodeDescription
Analogue Input
MTL5040 Loop isolator
MTL5041 Repeater power supply
MTL5042 Repeater power supply
MTL5043 Repeater power supply
MTL5044 Repeater power supply
Digital Input
MTL5018AC Switch/proximity detector interface
Analogue Output
MTL5045 Isolating driver
MTL5046 Isolating driver
MTL5049 Isolating driver
Digital Input
MTL5011B Switch/proximity detector interface
MTL5012 Switch/proximity detector interface
MTL5012S Switch/proximity detector interface - United Electric series
MTL5014 Switch/proximity detector interface
MTL5015 Switch/proximity detector interface
MTL5017 Switch/proximity detector interface
MTL5018 Switch/proximity detector interface
MTL5113P Failsafe switch/proximity detector interface
Digital Output
MTL5021 Solenoid/alarm driver
MTL5022 Solenoid/alarm driver
MTL5023 Solenoid/alarm driver
MTL5024 Solenoid/alarm driver
MTL5025 Solenoid/alarm driver
Temperature Input
MTL5074 Temperature converter
MTL5081 Millivolt/thermocouple isolator
MTL5082 Resistance isolator
MTL5031 Vibration transducer interface
MTL5032 Pulse isolator
MTL5061 Fire/smoke detector interface
MTL5099 Dummy isolator
MTL5344 Repeater power supply
MTL5349 Isolating Driver
MTL5053 MTL5053 is intrinsically safe Isolator/ power supply
For any question about MTL5018AC isolated barrier, please feel free to contact me by email.
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